Grant Hill is the man.
Click here and download the Fila Screensaver for the low, low price of only 3 easy payments of $149.95! Okay, never mind. It's free.
Click here to see MY Fila Eyes! Mine have black frames, though...
(Fila 24/7 is Snowboarding Gear that Fila makes.)
Visit the Grant Hill homepage or
visit the Fila homepage.
I was gonna make a NO NIKE page, but I figured it'd be a waste. Nike does suck, though. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate people that wear it, I just don't like it. If you hated Fila, I wouldn't mind...but dont ya just hate when you're lookin at a catalog like Eastbay or somethin and all you see is NIKE NIKE NIKE and everything is priced at like $400? GOD that makes me mad. Nike must take pride in child labor or something, cause those sweatshops sure do produce alot of inventory.
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