click on a song to hear the full track (mp3 style)
I love mostly all music, but i think hip-hop is my favorite.
It has been for quite some time.
And since I have a mic and a decent enough computer, I make rap songs.
So here they are. I'm still working on new songs everyday, so check back for
The Charleston (lyrics)
this song basically pays tribute to the Rat Pack and all kinds of hip swingers
from back in the day.
Pays tribute or makes fun of? you decide.
Produced by me & Whitestag
The Song of Everlasting
Service (lyrics)
this is the first serious song I ever made. I think. It deals with manipulation
and has more than one meaning behind
the lyrics, so read into it what you will .
Produced by me.
When the Wind Blows
another serious song I made. This song isnt about anything in-particular,
but I enjoy it.
Production and scratching by me.
Super Rhymers (lyrics)
this is just a fun retarded type song with Whitestag making a guest appearance
the song is about how we suck at rapping. We jacked a DMX beat. Get it? He
Munga Mousik Interlude
this is just an interlude I did for one of L-Dude's mixtapes. It's okay.
Production and scratching by me.
ROCK & ROLL (sort of)
this is the acoustic rock band I'm in with my friend Ryan.
Don't take anything we do seriously or you'll have strokes (if you're old)
more coming soon